Saturday, December 12, 2015

Paradelle for AI

Paradelle for AI
by John S.

The conveniently convenience of modern day conveniences
The conveniently convenience of modern day conveniences
Are hugely convenient and a big help
Are hugely convenient and a big help
Conveniently big help convenience conveniences  and a
Hugely Modern day of the convenient are

To my mission to be lazy today
To my mission to be lazy today
And to never have to worry about work
And to never have to worry about work
To lazy to work never worry today and
My mission about to have never to work

It is blissfully warm on the beach
It is blissfully warm on the beach
As a computer does my work for me
As a computer does my work for me
Blissfully a computer as me on the beach
For the warm work is is my

Blissfully convenient and a modern worry about to
Work on the conveniences of the day
Conveniently are help to my lazy and
Never to be mission computer today to
Have big warm it is as beach
Hugely Work convenience does my for me a

This poem comes from the fact that my response to any question is "just Google it". Electronics and the internet are become so important in our everyday lives, I don't think I could even drive to someplace that isn't with 2 miles, without using a GPS or Google

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